Running Aerial Fiber


March 31, 2022

Sertex trucks and crews have been busy with aerial fiber construction on utility poles in the north. BIPCO and Verizon recently completed make ready work in this area and have issued the necessary pole attachment licenses.   

The utilities have also issued most of the licenses for poles in the west, and Sertex crews will soon begin aerial construction in that area. Verizon is scheduled to return in early April to finalize their make ready work, after which we expect to have all outstanding licenses, so Sertex can expand aerial fiber construction throughout the rest of the island.

On the ground, conduit crews continue meeting with property owners and installing drop conduits to homes and businesses. To date, Sertex has completed almost 700 drop conduit installations, and will accelerate work this spring.

Registration Deadline Is Fast Approaching

If you haven’t already registered, the Town’s deadline to apply for a fiber cable drop installation is fast approaching. Please visit the BroadbandBI website by April 30th to register your property!

Contact Us for More Information

If you have any questions about the Block Island Broadband network project or your installation, please email Sertex customer service.

Thank you for your support and patience throughout this complex, multi-phase construction project.

All contents © 2024 Town of New Shoreham.